Beim Übergang in das neue Jahr ist es gut uns an Gott und an das was er getan hat zu erinnern.
Inm itten seiner Klage über den schrecklichen, von Sünde hervorgerufenen Zustand Israels, erinnert uns Jeremia an diese wunderbare Charaktereigenschaft Gottes in Kapitel 3, Verse 22-23: denn seine [der Herr] Barmherzigkeit ist nicht zu Ende; sie ist jeden Morgen neu, und deine Treue ist groß! Es gibt jeden Tag etwas wunderbar Neues und Erfrischendes an unserem Gott. Er ist nicht langweilig und es gibt immer etwas, was unsere Seele erfreut. Dennoch wissen wir, dass unser Gott sich nie verändert, sondern er ist ...derselbe gestern und heute und auch in Ewigkeit! (Heb 13:8). Vielleicht könnte man zusammenfassend sagen, dass unser Gott "ewig neu" ist.
In Bezug auf das neue Jahr ist mir der Vers aus 2. Korinther 5,8 in den Sinn gekommen: Darum: Ist jemand in Christus, so ist er eine neue Schöpfung; das Alte ist vergangen; siehe, es ist alles neu geworden! Diese wunderbare Behauptung Paulus besagt, dass Gott ein so großes und weitreichendes Werk in unseren Herzen getan hat, dass alles neu geworden ist. Der Kern unseres Seins ist erneuert worden und eine Quelle des Lebens fließt aus uns heraus, die alle Schwierigkeiten überwindet. In diesem Abschnitt des Jahres ist es gut uns an das zu erinnern, das Gott in uns vollbracht hat. Jedoch wenn einigen von uns bewusst wird, dass vielleicht noch nicht alles neu geworden ist, dann haben wir jetzt die Chance ihn zu suchen, bis er sein Werk in uns getan hat, so dass wir uns auf die Zukunft freuen können, in dem Wissen, dass alles neu geworden ist.
01 January 2008
January 2008 - English
As we go into a New Year it is good to remind ourselves about our God and the things that He has done.
In the midst of his Lamentation over the terrible state that Isreal was in, because of her sin, Jeremiah reminds us of this wonderful characteristic of our God in Chapter 3v22-23: Because [the Lord's] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. There is something wonderfully new and refreshing about our God every day; there is nothing boring about Him, but there is always something to delight our souls. And yet we also know that our God never changes, but is ... the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Perhaps it could be summed as as our God is "eternally new!"
The other verse that I remembered, is in 2 Corinthians 5v18: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. In this wonderful verse Paul states that God has done such a broad and wonderful work in our hearts, a work that is so extensive that everything has become new. The very core of our being has been renewed and there is a source of life flowing from within us, that overcomes all difficulties. At this time of year it is worth reminding ourselves of the greatness of the work that God has done in us. And if for any, there is an awareness that perhaps all things have not yet become new, we have a chance to seek Him until He has accomplished His work in us, so that we, too, can look forward to the future knowing that all things have become new!
In the midst of his Lamentation over the terrible state that Isreal was in, because of her sin, Jeremiah reminds us of this wonderful characteristic of our God in Chapter 3v22-23: Because [the Lord's] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. There is something wonderfully new and refreshing about our God every day; there is nothing boring about Him, but there is always something to delight our souls. And yet we also know that our God never changes, but is ... the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Perhaps it could be summed as as our God is "eternally new!"
The other verse that I remembered, is in 2 Corinthians 5v18: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. In this wonderful verse Paul states that God has done such a broad and wonderful work in our hearts, a work that is so extensive that everything has become new. The very core of our being has been renewed and there is a source of life flowing from within us, that overcomes all difficulties. At this time of year it is worth reminding ourselves of the greatness of the work that God has done in us. And if for any, there is an awareness that perhaps all things have not yet become new, we have a chance to seek Him until He has accomplished His work in us, so that we, too, can look forward to the future knowing that all things have become new!
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